Contact Us

131 S. Third Street
P.O. Box 608
Northville, NY 12134

Phone: (518) 863-7000
Fax: (518) 863-7011

Staff Directory

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Tip: If you don’t know how to spell the name of the person you are looking for, try typing the first few letters of their first or last name and click ‘Go’.


District Office

Kim Abrams, Tax Collector
(518) 863-7000, ext. 4100

Dr. Sarah A. Chauncey, District Superintendent
(518) 863-7000, ext. 4121

Christopher Diamantatos, Director of Nutritional Services
(518) 863-7000, ext. 3007

Angie Dimick, Main Office Secretary
(518) 863-7000, ext. 4000

Bruce Ellsworth, Business Manager
(518) 863-7000, ext. 4118

Shannon Fitzgerald, CIO; DDC; McKinney-Vento Liaison
(518) 863-7000, ext. 4101

Laurie Gonzales, Secretary to the Superintendent; District Clerk
(518) 863-7000, ext. 4121

Karen Izzo, School Counselor; Dignity Act Coordinator
(518) 863-7000, ext. 5206

Charlotte Kalkbrenner, School Nurse
(518) 863-7000, ext. 4126

John Karbowski, Athletic Director
(518) 863-7000, ext. 4111

Jennifer Kuhn, CSE Secretary; Homeschool Liaison
(518) 863-7000, ext. 5000

Dr. Lauren Luckert, School Psychologist
(518) 863-7000, ext. 5201

Lauren Luckert, Director of Technology; Data Protection Officer
(518) 863-7000, ext. 4144

Michele Reidell, Director of Special Education
(518) 863-7000, ext. 5000

Laurel St. Onge, District Treasurer
(518) 863-7000, ext. 4119

Elementary Office

Peg Angus, Elementary Secretary
(518) 863-7000, ext. 4123

Angie Dimick, Elementary Attendance
(518) 863-7000, ext. 4000

Tammy Reidell, Elementary Principal
(518) 863-7000, ext. 4123

Middle/High School Office

Karen Izzo, School Counselor
(518) 863-7000, ext. 5206

Samuel Ratti-Robinson, MS/HS Principal
(518) 863-7000, ext. 5208

Cristen Shepard, MS/HS Secretary
(518) 863-7000, ext. 5208